Sunday, 28 January 2018

Development Blog #4 - The rewrite, iterate, and influence

I am in the process of rewriting my script for the game (that is getting closer to being called Departure Lounge, but is still without a definite title!). It's something I wish I had more practice with, but I feel like my relaxed pace is helpful. I'm giving myself enough time to sit back and really think about scenes and whether they should be cut or reworked drastically.
Saying that, I would like to have a finished second draft before spring so that I can make some decisions about assets!

'Iterate, iterate, iterate' is advice I've heard a lot, but with all of my game jam games I had an inner voice reply 'no time to iterate!'. Of course, certain assets I created using processes of iteration, but when it came to things like plot and writing it was something I found difficult. I'm making a conscious effort to iterate my writing more and learn about editing.

I'd like to get very close to a finished script with my second draft. I really don't know at this stage whether that is going to happen. Regardless, if I can finalise the scenes I will be able to move onto the assets! There will also be some brainstorming of visual aesthetics and other things like that which I am looking forward to! (And I can have some blog posts which aren't walls of text!)


I forgot in my last post about music to mention something which I had intended to - influences. I find that things like tv, film, anime are often quite inspirational. (Soundtrack work is intriguing, how a scene could have a very different feel with just a small change in the audio.) I would like to play more games that have interesting music, music that I find unusual or noteworthy and that ties into the game either through setting or even mechanics. The games that come to mind, that I have had the pleasure of playing, are a couple of games by Cosmo D - - Off-Peak and The Norwood Suite. I think both games had a great approach to audio, you can feel the creators passion for music in general as well as for the pieces that are in the games. They are quirky, but very listenable pieces that work well in the context of loopable background music, and the added mechanical aspects (such as walking from one area to another, or interacting with piano keys) made the audio that much more captivating.

Perhaps I will write about some of my other influences in future posts.

Till next time!

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