Thursday, 4 December 2014

Day 4 - Making backgrounds for a game

Drawing backgrounds for a game is a massive task, even with the skills to create good backgrounds you will need a great deal of time. Many games opt for photographs with a filter (like watercolour) applied, which saves a lot of time. I'll be using photographs as the basis for most of my backgrounds, which I'll be editing digitally. Using your own photographs is a great way of avoiding licensing and copyright issues, so I'm aiming to just use my own photos for this reason.

It took me more time than I'd anticipated to collect a collection of potential starting images to use as backgrounds from my digital back up on google+
Here are some which I plan to alter in Photoshop:

Raw photo for background 1
Raw photo for background 1

Raw photo for background 2
Raw photo for background 2

Raw photo for background 3
Raw photo for background 3

And some photos which I may be able to use for some of the surreal scenes in the game:

As I've not developed much of the storyline I'll be able to work in scenes based on the photographs, but there is a risk that I work on a background that is useless for the story. In which case I'll save it in case it's good for another project.

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